Choice is confusing.

April 27, 2009

I’m having a devil of a time rationalizing how to integrate all the various social networking and blogging sites into some kind of coherent system.  Here’s my current working model; may not be valid tomorrow.

  • Livejournal isn’t very “hip”, has an uncertain future, yadda yadda.  However, its ACLing system is great, and there’s enough people I know on the system that it works very well community interaction.  Metcalf’s law, and all that.  I’ll keep reading as long as my peeps are still present, and I’ll occasionally post regarding topics that don’t fit into either Facebook or Wordpress - particularly things I don’t want to broadcast to the world.
  • I increasingly want a non-LJ blog for long-form public posts - in particular, things like the CD reviews that I did in 2008, or the rambling posts I occasionally do when I’m on a vacation somewhere.  I set up this Wordpress account for this, primarily because they’re not owned by Google.
  • Anything owned by Google will be avoided by default, on the grounds that I don’t trust them or their corporate trajectory.  (This has very little to do with the fact that I work for Microsoft).  Ergo Wordpress instead of Blogger.  Google Reader is the one big exception to this principle, because it’s the only RSS environment I’ve ever seen that actually does what I want it to do.
  • Anything owned by Microsoft almost certainly isn’t targetted to me as an audience.  The Windows Live services suite just don’t do much for me.  (Client-side is a different story entirely; I’m planning on standardizing on a Win7/Live Mail/Live Photo Gallery/Live Mesh/IE8/OneNote software stack.  Mesh in particular is the greatest thing since Sliced Bread, or at least since OneNote.)
  • Instant Messaging is a dead medium for me; the only person I IM on a regular basis is Angyl, and Facebook Chat (though craptacular) suffices.  I get the impression that most folks who aren’t me are using gmail for their personal email, which means they have embedded gtalk for communicating with anyone else on gmail.  Maybe that’s where all the chatter has gone.
  • Facebook, for all its myriad failings, appears to fit all of my short-form social-networking needs.  I’m generally not a FB Apps user, but I’ll make an exception for D&D Tiny Adventures.
  • Twitter annoys me, except in small doses.

4 Responses to “Choice is confusing.”

  1. So what is Live Mesh, actually? Groove for normal humans?

  2. Speaking of the awesome that is Google Reader, you need an RSS feed link, so my lazy behind doesn’t have to actually visit your domain to keep up on the latest CD reviews. :)

  3. wait, what? there isn’t an RSS feed by default? LAME. Must fix.

  4. Really, Live Mesh is Automagic Cross-Machine Sync. Change some files on one computer, and by the time you get to the other computer, the changes are already there. It’s crazy awesome.

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